Saturday, February 10, 2007

日本では無理でしょう / This'd Never Work In Japan

English below...

まぐれで、今朝、del.icio.usで「Open Loops」と言う面白いブログを見つけた。




Just by dumb luck this morning, I ran across an interesting blog called Open Loops via

According to the guy who writes it, supposedly focusing all your energy on getting tasks done during the morning is a lot more effective than putting in overtime till all hours of the night.

Now, to me as an American, this seems only logical. I don't know how many times I've wondered, "Why the hell do so many Japanese put in so much overtime?" There's always so much emphasis in Japan about 'cutting out waste' but if you've finished your work, yet can't go home until the boss leaves isn't that a form of "waste"?

I guess that business culture in Japan & the US are just two entirely different animals and that this line of thought would never work here, right?

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